People’s Republic of China(1949-Present):東方紅 “The East is Red“ Brother Hao 郝歌

Just wanna share some songs I really enjoy that most of you guys probably never heard of. 🇨🇳 Discord Server: Twitter: Lyrics: 東方紅,太陽升。 中國出了個毛澤東。 他為人民謀幸福, 呼爾嗨喲,他是人民大救星! 毛主席,愛人民, 他是我們的帶路人, 為了建設新中國, 呼爾嗨喲,領導我們向前進! 共產黨,像太陽, 照到哪裡哪裡亮, 哪裡有了共產黨, 呼爾嗨喲,哪裡人民得解放! The east is red, the sun is rising. From China comes Mao Zedong. He strives for the people's happiness, Hurrah, he is the people's great saviour! (Repeat last two lines) Chairman Mao loves the people, He is our guide to building a new China Hurrah, lead us forward! (Repeat last two lines) The Communist Party is like the sun, Wherever it shines, it is bright Wherever the Communist Party is Hurrah, the people are liberated! “The East Is Red“ is a song that was the de facto national anthem of the People's Republic of China during the Cultural Revolution in the 1960s. The lyrics of the song were attributed to Li Youyuan (李有源), a farmer from northern Shaanxi, and the melody was derived from a local folk song. He allegedly got his inspiration upon seeing the rising sun in the morning of a sunny day.