Open your hips

Specific exercise improve symptoms, daily full-body exercises remove root causes. Open your hips Put your feet i a straight line. 1. Improve blood circulation in the pelvis. 2. Improve hips joint flexibility and enhance leg strength. 30 times one set, 2-3 sets a day. The hip joint is the largest joint in the human body. When the human body moves, the hip joint drives the knees and shoulders to make various postures and movements. A flexible and strong hip joint enables flexible, fast, and easy movements without causing joint damage. A stiff and restricted hip joint, in addition to hindering your movement, can cause knee and spinal injuries. So please be sure to pay attention to your hip joints, keep practicing, and you will improve. If you already have multiple joint stiffness and pain, then be sure to start a daily full-body exercise routine. If you don't start practicing, stiffness and pain will increase over time. Through a c