7 Years Old Novak Djokovic - First Interview

Young Novak Djokovic - First Interview... 1994 Mali / Mlad Novak Djokovic - Intervju Sa 7 Godina 1994 X: What do you like the most about tennis? Novak: Forehand, backhand, volley. With those we win the opponents. X: Are the opponents angry when you win? Novak: No. X: And you when they win? Novak: No. X: So a true fair play. Ok, so tell me, do you play (children games)? Novak: I play... I play at night, because during the day I have school, then in the afternoons I practice, after practice I do homework, and that's why I play at night. X: Is tennis for you a game or an obligation? Novak: An obligation. X: What's your goal? Novak: My goal in tennis is to be a champion.