Amiga 500 Longplay [160] Predator

Played by: Ironclaw There was no proper longplay of the Amiga version, now there is. Those 2-3 longplays I found were all using trainers (unlimited energy, etc). There's also a couple of Let's Plays, one used trainer, the other one played legit but after several attempts didn't even manage to finish level one. Another terrible movie-to-game adoption. The C64 version is better than this Amiga version, in my opinion. The controls are not that great. Can only walk up and down if you zigzag. The grenades are mostly useless (only good for taking out the shooting thingy when you are on the log, as you can't shoot it from there - 09:06). The collision detection is crap. The enemies can shoot you while they are outside the screen, but you can't shoot them if they are not at least partially visible. I found no use for the ducking (the game still acted like he was the same height). Blocking is only good for Predator's punches, not his kicks (yup, tried ducking and it did nothing). You get an extra life/grenade when completing some levels, but not all of them, like the last level (was probably only this level). I let myself get hit by the laser right before completing level 3, because I knew I would get it back, but nope. Anyway, when you do get more health after completing a level, it's 6 health bars, not a life (which is sort of the same). For example, if you finish a level with 2 lives and 1 health, you get 3 lives and one health. If you finish a level with 3 lives and 3 health, you get 3 lives and 6 health. A common complaint I read was the game doesn't have enough ammo, as you use it up too quickly. Well, it does have enough, you just need to be more careful of when to shoot, what to shoot, and how much. Too bad you can't walk back (game doesn't scroll to the left) to collect earlier dropped weapons/ammo. There's been a lot debate about the way to end the game - by dropping a tree trunk on the Predator, as that's what he did in the movie, and that's what he does in the C64 version (although it was a myth/rumor for a while as some people didn't know how to do it on the C64... at first, but proven later it could be done). People found it hard to accept there was no “proper“ ending when completing the Amiga version, thus they were not too sure if they did it right. You can just walk to the right of the screen and it's game over, no killing the Predator, no winning ending or anything (C64 didn't have a “winning“ ending either, but at least there you could kill the Predator, so you knew you must have won), just “game over“. But it seems like the Amiga version was made with no way to kill the Predator or proper ending. Sad. But yeah, a lot of these movie-to-game thingies didn't get much love on the Amiga. All rushed out, it seems. 02:49 - Level one 08:10 - Level two 05:40 - The boar can't be killed, but can be hit with bullets, but only by one of the weapons (it seems). I show it in the “extras“ video. 11:59 - Every now and then, the game forces the hero into a path, so he gets aligned with the logs and whatnot. You can't move up or down (showing that at 12:05). IF you walk back a bit to the left before you were aligned, you can't walk up and down anymore. 12:11 - Level three 12:47 - This radio thingy doesn't seem to be good for anything, but can be picked up for some reason. I replayed from this part and finished the game a second time, but without picking it up to see if I noticed anything different, like maybe the sound we hear right before Predator pops up won't be played without the radio, as it could maybe serve as some kind of warning indication (dunno if there was a radio in the movie and what it could have been used for). Anyway, I noticed no difference. 13:32 - First encounter with him. Bullets and grenades does nothing to him, he can only be punched or kicked. Every encounter WILL take some of your health away. If you get to this last level with 2 or less lives, you won't make it. I walk a bit to the right before going back for the gun, or the Predator would come back again before I leave the log. There was a couple of times where he would punch me WAY more than usual, causing me not to make it to the end. This was when I was punching him, and only resorting to kicking him instead would make him leave sooner. 14:36 - We saw some of these hiding enemies before as well, just wanted to say it doesn't seem like they can be killed. Even tried shooting the glowing eyes that pops up from time to time, because I'm curious about everything :) 15:45 - Level four 16:28 - Putting down my weapon forever, as I don't need it anymore (only for some birds, but easily avoidable) and wanted to avoid having to put it down and pick it up between every encounter. Here's an 'extras' video I made: - Disclaimer: Most videos by World of Longplays use SaveStates!