【ももかん】プラスチックボイス  踊ってみた【2021年】 1080 x 1920 sm38055603

Before I knew it, the feelings I had locked up It swelled to the point of breaking happy New Year! !! !! !! !! We look forward to your continued support in 2021! !! !! !! !! !! I will do my best this year as well (^^) / !! !! !! Thing you want to do! !! !! ・ Sponsored event (depending on the situation of Corona, ...) ・ I want to take a collaboration video with many people! !! !! ・ I want to hold an event for Momo Rin! !! !! ← Absolutely refused by Rin. ・ I want to improve the quality of videos. ・ I want to eat kinako mochi. This song was requested by Haruka-chan at the event sponsored by Haruka-chan (*’ω’ *) ★楽曲本家様:sm22648333 ★振付本家様:sm28479546 ★撮影・編集 :MIT.さん 素敵な撮影・編集をありがとうございます!今年もよろしくお願いします(^^)/ ★ももかんのマイリスト  mylist/60780026  ★Twitter  @momotakotako ももかん 01/01/2021 19:00 Views 707