Dont Take The Girl ♥ S i m b a / K i a r a

Newest edit: The stoled video was taken off *Dances alone* :) EDIT: Thank you all that brought to my notice that this video was stolen. I really don't know what to do about it since it hasn't happened to me before. I guess I'll be using watermarks from now on... Anyway, it's nice to know that some of you care. Thank you -- Heeeey, remember me? :3 Thing is everything on my pc got deleted so I had no editing program anymore T_T I found the only trial I haven't used so far so here I am xD Story pretty much follows the song but here is a more detailed version: Mufasa is taking his son for walks talking to him about the circle of life. One day they come across Kiara, a young abandoned cub. Mufasa decides to take her in but his son doesnt agree and begs him not to. Mufasa takes her in anyway and tells his son that one day he will be glad they took her with them. Simba and Kiara dont get along at first and it doesnt look like this will change. 10 years later however, when they are both grown up, they develop feelings for one another and start dating. Mufasa is happy to see he was right all alone (yeah for mufasha!) One day as they are outside a stranger comes and threatens Kiara's life. Simba is stunned, he doesnt know what to do so he starts begging him to spare his mate. (Black and white clips are obvioysly memories of how they grew from cubs that didnt like each other to mates) The stranger finally gets away without hurting any of them. 5 more years pass and Simba and Kiara couldn't be happier as they are expecting their first child. The time comes for Kiara to deliver and Simba is waiting. Nala (his childhood friend) comes to inform him and she looks sad. Simba is worried that their baby is in trouble but when Nala assured him its fine he knows its him mate. So he cries arround begging for God to spare her or take him instead. But of course God never listens to these kind of prayers so Kiara dies :3 Of course I DONT own the song or the movies....... This video was created for entertainment ONLY and is in no way profitable.