Tiifu × Eris (Open up your eyes) FAN

❗️There are subtitles (Russian, auto-translation). Characters: 4:36 Eris – Tiifu's older sister. 0:16 Christie – Tiifu's older sister. 1:21 Nick – Tiifu's older brother. 1:21 Tiifu's parents. 3:33 Ray – Christie's lover (Ray is a white cheetah and Fuli's older brother). 3:29 Son of Eris. 4:30 Yun Hua – Tiifu's daughter. 4:30 Kiara and Zuri – Tiifu's best friends. 2:12 Soen – Reno's mother (Reno is a black cheetah and Fuli's cousin). 1:45 The king – Soen's father. – PLOT – – Tiifu found herself in the lair of her older sister Eris. Eris is, let's say, an evil lioness who wants power. She tells Tiifu her story. – Tiifu has older sisters Eris and Christie, brother Nick. They are all from the royal family. Eris was supposed to become a queen, but Tiifu was born and her parents decided to give her the crown. Eris didn't like that. Soon, a neighboring kingdom under the command of the cheetah king invaded their territory and captured them. The king (Tiifu's father) and the prince (Tiifu's brother) died in the battle. Tiifu's mother didn't dare to save her older daughters from the fire and left them, going with Tiifu to the Prideland. Eris and Christie were left alone. But very soon the daughter of the cheetah king overthrew him and returned the crown to the princesses, and Christie was appointed the future queen, not Eris. So there was a final split between the sisters. – Eris decided to take power by force. She resents her sisters. Christie rules her native lands, and Eris conquers new territories. Eris is convinced that Tiifu is the same as their mother, an egoist, a pathetic mother, but she is wrong. Tiifu is a good mother. – Eris is also very angry at the cheetahs who came to her house with a war and killed her father and brother and split the family, and then gave the crown not to her, but to her sister. Of course, Eris is angry at the white cheetah Ray, Christie's lover, who is also in power (although he was not born in the state of cheetahs who seized Eris' house). Also for the anger of Eris is the reason that Ray killed her son. – Eris and her pride have to retreat and leave Christie and Tiifu, since Queen Kiara, Zuri, the prides of Kiara and Christie have come. I started making this video on March 1st... soo Recommend: – Tiifu's story – Christie × Ray – Reno ▪︎ How I chose names – Initially, I named Tiifu's older sister Viola (her eyes are purple), and her full name was Violetta according to the idea. But I didn't like that name. Too easy... I've been looking for an alternative for a long time, even got into Scandinavian names, but Gertrude, Hertha or Astrid is too much. It was necessary to make something shorter. There was a variant of Erica, and then Eris appeared. Eris is translated from Greek as discord, which is quite appropriate. – With Christie, everything was resolved by itself. In my first video with her participation (), the name Christie was used, so I left it that way. I was thinking of giving her a full name (as with Violetta) either Crystal or Kristina. Christie translates as a follower of Christ. This name is quite suitable for my character (it can be seen at this moment 4:15). She is calm, wise and humble. – Tiifu is clear that Tiifu. It translates from Swahili as obedient. I see her calm and shy. – Their brother's name is Nick. Alternatively, the full name is Dominic. Translates as mister. Song: Epic Rock version: This song just annoys me! Terribly much for several years. And so I'm making a video with it. If you want to draw attention to your inventions, use popular music, which people will definitely fall for... 😶🙃