Kids vocabulary - Opposite Words - Learning about Opposites

Learn opposites for kids with opposite words This opposite words for preschool kids Easy Opposite words for kids to enhances word recognition, vocabulary. We hope you enjoy studying with our channel videos. -- Title: Opposite Words -- Tall - Short Fat - Thin Together - A lone Boy - Girl Funny - Serious Same - Different Strong - Weak Bad - Good Old - Young Happy - Sad Noisy - Quiet Up - Down Open- Shut Full - Empty Hot - Cold Fast - Slow Clean - Dirty Sun - Moon Addition- Subtraction Question - Answer Right - Left High - Low Sweet - Sour Hard - Soft Old - New Dry - Wet Go - Stop Wrong - Correct Heavy- Light Above- Below Front - Behind On - Off Have fun and subscribe to our channel. Then, you can find some more various English educational animation videos. Follow us on youtube: Facebook page: