This is probably our favorite audit yet. The fine folks in Dayton that are responsible for providing citizens with public records took longer to cough up the 911 call and body-cam footage than any city we’ve dealt with so far. We first visited Dayton City Hall on July 14, 2023. Less than 60 seconds after walking past the front desk the mayhem began and it doesn’t let up until we walk out the door 45 minutes later. For the viewer’s convenience, we’ve already fast forwarded through most of the really boring stuff for you. Just start the video and watch it all the way through. Trust me when I say you don’t wanna miss a minute of this banger by fast forwarding through something crazy on accident. We did a follow-up visit to these folks five days later. See how they did on THAT visit here: If you want to skip the previews (aka spoiler alerts) then skip to the 1:03 mark in the video. Often using police body camera footage, 911 call recordings, and covert camera angles, and a few laughs thrown in, KULT News is a First Amendment audit channel you won’t soon forget. Enjoy the deer-in-the-headlights looks as incompetent cops see a mild-mannered citizen just out taking photos turn into a news reporter well versed on his Constitutional rights right before their eyes. ——— CONTACT INFORMATION: (Note: It is not be the practice of KULT News to post the phone numbers of any PRIVATE businsses we encounter unless their behavior is exceptionally egregious. We will continue to always post phone numbers of government entities. KULT News strongly encourages viewers to redress their government via email whenever possible. Put your thoughts in writing and it will become a part of the record. Phone calls? No guarantee. —————— Moonlight Security 2783 Orchard Run Rd Dayton, OH. 45449 (937) 252-1600 👆 👆 👆 👆 City of Dayton Mayor Jeffrey J. Mims, Jr. 101 W Third St. Dayton, OH. 45402 (937) 333-333 Mayor@ 👆 👆 👆 👆 👆 👆 Dayton Police Department 335 W Third St. Dayton, OH. 45402 (937) 225-4357 [NOTE: If you call this number after 5:00 pm EST or on weekends, it will eventually roll over to dispatch. Please don’t let the phone ring through to dispatch.] Chief Kamran Afzal DPD_PoliceChief@ 👆 👆 👆 ——— Write to us at KULTNews@ We post things on Instagram all the time that you will never see on YouTube. Check us out: @KULTnewsUSA We’re also on TikTok: @KULTNews WANNA BUY US A COUPLE OF BEERS or DONATE TO OUR LEGAL FUND? 👨‍⚖️👮‍♂️👩‍💼👨‍💼🍺🍺 Our Venmo is: @KULTNEWS Our CashApp: $KULTNEWS #firstamendmentaduit #firstamendmentauditor #firstamendment #KULTnews #KULT #MikeNorton #StaceyKaracia #Police #ohio #freepress #freespeech #1a #1aaudits #rights #constitution #audit #civilrights #4thamendment #CityHall #city #hall #Dayton #1stamendmentaudit ©️ 2023