Bach J.S. - Viola da Gamba (trio) Sonata in G major - BWV 1027 - IV Allegro

Marco Lo Cicero - Viola da Gamba; Eva Saladin - Violin; Jonathan Pešek - Cello Recorded at Palazzo Mazzarino in Palermo on October 19, 2023 Filmed by Raffaele Pullara Audio and video editing - Petsy Funky & Queen Nootie under the supervision of Sara Bagnati Bach’s Sonatas 1027-1029 were originally written for Viola da Gamba and Harpsichord. However, they are so clearly conceived as a three-part counterpoint that I have long been curious to hear them played with other string instruments in place of the keyboard. Alongside my old friends and fabulous musicians, Eva and Jonathan, we managed to make this happen in an incredibly short time. It began as a reading session, but it became immediately clear to us that the result was more than convincing, prompting us to start recording all of them! Everything was very spontaneous, but I didn’t want to miss the chance to document this moment of pure musical bliss. The session took place in the Athena Hall at Palazzo Mazzarino, an exceptionally beautiful and inspiring location with stunning acoustics. I am immensely grateful to the owners who generously offered us the use of this ideal location at very short notice! Many thanks to: Marialda Berlingieri, Rossella Campagna, Giovanni Ventimiglia, Basilio Timpanaro, Giorgio Chinnici and Nicola Paoli.