Baby crocodiles hatching - New hope for critically endangered Siamese crocodile

🐊 60 Siamese crocodiles, from five separate nests, have successfully hatched in Cambodia’s Cardamom National Park – the largest record of this species breeding in the wild this century. Due to decades of hunting and habitat loss, the Siamese crocodile is one of the world’s rarest crocodiles, categorised as Critically Endangered on the IUCN Red List. Fauna & Flora and our local partners run a conservation breeding programme to strengthen wild populations of Siamese crocodiles. The crocs are bred in captivity and their offspring are released into the wild in remote sites protected by local communities. Since 2012, we have released a total of 196 Siamese crocodiles. The five recently discovered nests were in area where captive-bred crocodiles have never been released before – suggesting that this is a key natural habitat for the species and that long-term protection efforts are allowing these wild populations to start bouncing back. At the end of June, 60 baby Siamese crocodiles successfully emerged from their nests, an incredible result for conservationists and a real sign of hope for the future of this species. Head to our website to find out more about Fauna & Flora’s work to save the Siamese crocodile from extinction