Unlock the Power of AR Gallery with Unity Asset & AR Foundation (ARKit, ARCore): Augmented Reality

AR Gallery for Unity Game Engine (AR Foundation: ARKit, ARCore) — App Template — Unity Asset in Augmented Reality Source Code & Docs ⭐ You can Move, Rotate and Scale any 3D objects in any space at home or outdoors: it’s a Demo Sample of Gallery with custom AR Objects & real-time shadows (shader for transparent surfaces: works independently of AR). AR Safety First. Demo Gallery Template is an Excellent Starting Point to Create Apps and Games with Augmented Reality for iOS & Android mobile platforms. ⭐ PACKAGE CONTAINS : ■ Complete Gallery Demo Scene with Tutorial, real Plane Detection, visual Plane Confirmation/Resetting, and Object Placing (Cubes) in a selected point on a detected plane: — Gallery: Selecting Target AR Object via Toggle Group System (UI is generated automatically based on AR Objects in the Scene): — — Displaying Status Text: Show Name of AR Object on Activating. — — Second Click on Toggle: Hide/Show AR Object. — Transform Control for AR Objects: — — Scale & Rotation: with UI Sliders & “Reset” Buttons. — — Position: Move Objects on Detected Plane with just a Finger. — Button “Show/Hide UI” (aka “Screenshot Mode”). ■ Menu Scene with AR Safety Tutorial. ■ Permission Scene with Camera Permission Request using free Native Camera. ■ Loading Screen to switch scenes seamlessly. ⭐ AR FEATURES of PLANE DETECTION Demo Project: ■ Real Plane Detection using AR Foundation Engine: ARKit, ARCore: ■ AR Onboarding UX with Transparent Video Manuals & AR States. ■ AR Light Estimation: estimates light data in physical space and applies it to game space. ■ AR Safe Zone. The player needs to stay in the Safe Zone to avoid accidents during the game and continue the game itself! The player will be notified when leaving the Safe Zone: ■ For simplicity and flexibility, there is no using of XR Interaction Toolkit. ■ AR Foundation Support Checker allows assigning your own experience when AR is not supported (by default, it shows informational message and link to requirements). ■ Editor Testing with AR Foundation: XR Simulation. 00:00 — AR Gallery Demo on Mobile Phone 00:24 — AR Safety Tutorial Screen 00:40 — Plane Detection 00:53 — Object Placing in AR 01:22 — Moving, Scaling, Rotation, Switching AR Objects 01:49 — Screenshot Mode 02:07 — Selecting Target AR Object via Toggle Group System 02:35 — AR Safe Zone #AR #Unity3D #Unity