Paleowolf - Sivatherium

“Sivatherium“ is a track from the newly released full length album “Cenozoic“, channeling the prehistoric animalism in pure form through the totemic representation of creatures that once roamed the ancient Earth. With massive powerful drums, shamanic chants, tribal grunts and dark, cavernous soundscapes, the journey to the prehistory continues. Full album: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sivatherium (name meaning “Shiva's Beast“) is a genus of giraffid. Sivatherium resembled the modern okapi, but was far larger, and more heavily built, being about 2.2 m (7.2 ft) tall at the shoulder, 3 m (9.8 ft) in total height, and weighing up to 400–500 kg (880–1,100 lb), though it could also reach weights of up to 1,250 kg (2,760 lb). This would make Sivatherium one of the largest ruminant in history. Males possessed two different pairs antler-like ossicones on their heads. The larger