Secret Police Participant Harassment At McGill Jun 2 2024, SPVM 55-11

Walking down McTav street I notice an SPVM car at the same spot, seems one is always there. A man that looks Pakistani meters down the SPVM car location talking with an accent starts asking me if I slept there? It's related to the secret police participant network and sleep deprivation, etc. I don't answer and ignore him, keep walking. Note the McGill encampment is nearby and I just passed an SPVM Police car. He persists with his question so I turn around and ask if he's a student? In my mind I already know he's not a student but a secret police participant that engages in harassment, on University campuses too. They are spread out on campus and libraries pretending to be students, teamworking with security guards, using terrorism category type weapons on targeted citizens, which is also teamworking with SPVM RCMP Gov corruption. So, he says no, he's a guest. I tell him to have a nice trip. (nice) I don't film each time secret police participants engage in harassment but I should have in this case because it's on a university campus,. (ref Mobbing Research: homelessness and rage shootings .. ) At the bottom of the hill I turn around, start filming, walk back up to his location and that of the Police car. I passed two people that do look like they are students, young, possibly Pakistani or Indian, and they said they were not with that man I was referring too. I walk all the way back to the SPVM Police car, ask if they were with that man, teamworking with him, and his question? They say they are not, didn't see him, asked for a description. I said he's part of network of participants that engage in harassment. They said I can always go to station 20 to report it. I asked about their car numbers and they said they were from Dorval and part of an operation. I assume safety operation linked to the encampment nearby (tents, sleep, and private property similar to the homeless). I told them it's a huge network, many different locations in the city and not just McGill. Probably not much can be done by them or Station 20 but it's about awareness and information. The Police are not the ones who came to me, I went to them and stopped filming. I started filming many interactions with the SPVM Police as a result of them fabricating fines, lying, etc, court evidence, fines WITHDRAWN. Maybe I should have a body cam so both the man and the conversation with Police would have easily been on video.