The Potter Family | There was no saving you.

❝One last day with your beloved, which day would you choose?❞ - There is only one birthday we're celebrating today, and that's Harry Potter's. I almost didn't get this up in time, because to be honest, this video isn't very good. I started out strong, I thought things were taking shape, and then it just 't. I spent the whole night trying to fix it and make it watchable, and I think I've at least done that. Or maybe that's the sleep deprivation talking. It's still not great by any means, but I hope it's still an interesting watch. Story: James survives the attack on October 31st, but finds Lily dead, leaving him to take care of Harry on his own. Battling his own depression after losing the love of his life (and keeps seeing her everywhere) and finding out more about Dumbledore's plans for Harry, he maintains his status as a Good Supportive Dad who just wants the best for his son. It follows the story of the books.