Shivadooti Jaap Mantra 108 Repetitions

Please consider supporting my work through Patreon here: Buy it on Itunes Goddess Shivadooti | Chaturbhujang Mahakaayang Sindoor Sadrisha Dyuti | || Raktadantang Mundamala Jatajootardhi Chandra Dhrik || | Naagkundalam Haaraabhyang Shilobhitaang Nakharojwalam | || Vyaghracharmam Paridhanang Dakshine Shool Khadga Dhrik || | Vaame Paashaang Tatha Charmaa Vibhrurdudhaa Parakramaat | || Sthul Vaktram cha PeenosThang Tung Murting Bhayankaraam || | Neerdyipya DakshiNang Paadang Satishthang Shavopari | || Vaamapaadang Shrugaalasya Prushthe Feru Shatorvrutaam || One who has four hands and body complextion of Vermillion Sindoor , who has fangs and teeth covered in blood , wears Mundamala and has Knotted Matted hair as a crown on her along with a crescent of Moon , Earings and wrist shoulder ornaments of snakes adorned in her and her nails are shinning bright , wears a Tiger skin, She holds Shool Swords in right hands and Paash and Charma ie Sheild in left haands , Her Face is grumpy and elongated and She is very Tall and ferocious , downwards towards her legs She stands on Dead corpse by Right feet and Left leg placed on a Jackel. Shivadooti is a powerful manifestation of Mother Goddess Shakti. Shivadooti means one who has Shiva as her messenger. Goddess Shivadooti made her appearance in the battle against demons Shumbha and Nishumbha. She symbolically represents the unfathomable power of Mother Goddess Shakti. As per Devi Mahatmyam, in the battle against the forces of Shumbh and Nishumbh, Mother Goddess took the manifestation of the Saptamatrikas. They were Shaktis of the male gods. After this appeared Shivadooti, the Shakti of Mother Goddess. This form is not associated with any male form. Devi Mahatmyam states that she appeared from the body of Mother Goddess in the most gruesome form yelping like a hundred jackals. She then asked Lord Shiva to carry the message to Shumbha and Nishumbha that if they desire to battle against her out of arrogance and false belief in their strength, then they and their forces be ready to be devoured by her jackals. It must be noted here that Goddess Shivadooti is a symbolic representation of what form Goddess Shakti can take to put down Adharma. She is depicted as a woman armed with a trident , noose, sword and shield with one leg on a corpse and the other on a jackal and sometimes depicted seated on a lion. Her physical description or dhyana can be found in Kalika Puran. Note - Compositing Animation and Music Composition has all done by me. Copyright rules apply. Email: chantcentral@ Like on Facebook: Follow on Instagram: Follow on Twitter: