Our Future in 2 Minutes

What will our future look like? Will there be bio-robots and ring world space stations? This short video looks at the future, and the kind of world we could live in; from A.I. bio robot technology, brain chips, the Mars colony, space exploration, and warp drives. ----- THE ENCYCLOPEDIA OF THE FUTURE Vol 1 and 2 of 'The Encyclopedia of the Future' are available on my Patreon. Along with other sci-fi works such as the video: Interstellar A.I.: Writing the Encyclopedia of the Galaxy. Visit my Patreon here: ----- Our Future in 2 Minutes Created by: Jacob B Inspired by: Our Story In 2 Minutes Melody Sheep - Our Story In 1 Minute: Personal inspiration in creating this video came from: Ready Player One, Westworld, and Star Trek Next Gen. ----- Other videos to watch: 1. Timelapse of