【ENG SUB】《十年一品温如言/Ten Years Of Loving You》可是沒有你,我怎麼幸福,我想要的只有你😭😭 #丁禹兮 #任敏 #爱情

🎁欢迎订阅喵咪观影😻/@miaomiguanying ✨剧情简介:除非黃土白骨,守你百歲無憂,你是否遇見十年羈絆百年奉陪的那個人?十年前,寄養在江南水鄉的溫衡(任敏飾)第一次被接回北方溫家,命運的安排讓她遇見了言希(丁禹兮飾),這一遇見,便是十年糾纏。一個是低眉順眼的溫家女孩,一個是張揚跋扈的言家長孫,他們的人生道路不停交匯又分離,終於發現,兩人心中所願,不過是「永遠在一起」。十年後的重逢,伴隨著親朋好友的陪伴與見證,似乎是命運的輪迴,給這個「只羨慕溫言不羨慕仙」的故事畫下句點。 At 17, Wen Heng who was an adopted child, was finally found by her biological parents and brought back to the family home in Beijing. There, she tries to adjust to her new life with her new family but problems occur when her adopted sister felt threatened by her presence and started throwing tantrums. In an effort to keep the peace in the family, Wen Heng was asked to move into a family friend's house next door. There, Wen Heng meets Yan Xi and the two of them slowly start to grow closer as they live together and go to school together. But this happy life didn't last long when Yan Xi has to return to America to be with his sick mother. #爱情 #浪漫 #虐 #中国电影 #love #movie #sad #丁禹兮 #任敏