The story of Turbo Titan, Chevrolet’s long-lost gas turbine truck that almost made into production

With the latest and greatest in gas turbine engine technology, lateral pop-out headlights, and the weirdness of twin-dial steering, this was Chevrolet’s attempt at creating the truck of the future. But with Ford’s own Big Red promotional gas turbine truck already roaming the growing Interstate Highway system, what did Chevy bring new to the table of experimental big rigs? Well, stick around until the end of this video to find out how one of the coolest-named trucks ever made - the Chevrolet Turbo Titan III - was built to revolutionize the way America hauled cargo around the country, how it came THIS CLOSE to becoming a series-production rig, and how it disappeared without a trace. So let’s try to unravel the mystery and learn some new stuff along the way. Thanks for watching & don't forget to subscribe: _______________________________________________ The story of Turbo Titan Chevrolet's long lost gas turbine truck that almost made into production,chevrolet turbo titan,turbo titan III,turbo titan 3,chevy turbo titan,chevy gas turbine truck,chevrolet gas turbine truck,gas turbine truck,ford big red,cool car stories,new york world fair 1964,gas turbine,ford gas turbine truck