Evicted white farmer returns to his farm in Zimbabwe

(22 Dec 2017) A white commercial farmer, who was evicted from his farm in Manicaland province in Zimbabwe, returned to the area on Thursday after local community members said they wanted him back. Robert Smart and his family were welcomed back at their home after community members, local politicians and the country's new government intervened to reverse their forceful eviction by heavily armed Zimbabwean riot police back in June. The tobacco and maize grower was evicted from the estate near Rusape, about 200 kilometres (125 miles) east of Harare, to reportedly pave way for a top cleric, Trevor Manhanga, who had links with then president Robert Mugabe. The grabbing of Lesbury Farm came shortly after Mugabe told his supporters at a rally that all remaining white commercial farmers should be kicked off their properties to make way for the ruling Zanu-PF party's youth and his supporters who had no land. But, according to New , president Mnangagwa's special adviser Chris Mutswangwa said on Tuesda