Feherlofia (1981)

Director: Marcell Jankovics Producer: Román Kunz, Marcell Jankovics Genre: Animation / Art House Film Country: Hungary Language: Hungarian / AR / CN / DE / EN / ES / FR / HI / IT / JP / PT / RO / RU subtitles A tribute to the old steppe peoples. Based on the work of László Arany and ancient Hunnic and Avaric legends, Feherlofia also know as Son of the White Mare is a experimental, psychedelic full-feature, pop-art/folk-art fairy-tale. According to it, in the myth of the three brothers, a three-membered vertical structure of the world is modeled, including the upper world (sky, sun), the lower world (terrestrial and water depth) and mountains as the middle, connecting their element. Also inherent the motive of the struggle between rival brothers and the murder of the winner, the younger. Beneath the movie’s surreal imagery, there are many hidden indirect references.