“Xолодник“ (Борщ) (украинская кухня). Cold Beetroot (Borscht) Soup Recipe

Нам понадобится : 3 средних свеклы, 4 коротких зеленых огурцов, Горстка зелёногo лука и укропа , нарезанные; 1 л кефира или пахты, 1 ст.л. тертого хрена или горчицы, соль и перец по вкусу, 4 яйца вареные, холодная кипячёная вода, лимонный сок, сметана 100 г We will need: 3 medium beets, 4 short green cucumbers, handful of green onions and dill, chopped; 1 litre of kefir or buttermilk, 1 tsp grated horseradish or mustard, salt & pepper to taste, 4 eggs boiled, cold water, lemon juice 2 tbsp, sour cream 100 gr Directions: Wash your beets, wrap in foil and roast in a 200 C oven for about 45 minutes, until cooked through -test by piercing with a sharp knife. Cool completely, then peel and grate. Hard-boil the eggs, then cool under cold water. Peel and cut into half lengthwise. Wash the cucumbers, cut into small dice. Chop your dill and green onions. In a large bowl, place the beetroot with cucumber and add kefir. Mix well, then add horseradish or mustard, salt and pepper. Add your eggs, green onion and dill with