
我可太聪明了,用别人家的柿子换别人家的柚子。一入秋,柚子就成熟了,路过柚子树,都能闻到空气里清甜的香气,柚子耐储存,从入秋到腊月,都是家里常备的水果。这次用柚子来做几道小食,柚子酱油和柚子炒饭你们一定要试! ※Click “cc“ on the lower right menu to choose your subtitle language. I'm so smart! I traded some pomelos with persimmons picked from other's trees. Pomelos are ripe in early autumn. One can smell the refreshing fragrance by just passing by the pomelo trees. Pomelos can be preserved for a long time. As a result, it's a common fruit available from early autumn to Spring Festival. I made some snacks with pomelos this time. Do try the pomelo soybean sauce and stir-fried rice with pomelos. 大家好!我是滇西小哥,一个地道的云南妹子,如果你喜欢我的视频,请持续关注我的频道, 我会在不同的平台分享我的生活,以及云南特色美食,祝你们天天开心,每天都有美食相伴~ YouTube【滇西小哥 Dianxi Xiaoge