Steel Empire Chronicles - Limited Edition Trailer

Steel Empire Chronicles - Limited Edition will be available for pre-order on April 9th for Nintendo Switch and PlayStation4! About Steel Empire Chronicles: The Motorhead Empire reigns over most of the world with an iron fist, but there is still freedom to be found in the Republic of Silverhead. What follows is your typical (and very likeable) Shoot 'em up the narrative of the free world sending a sole pilot to save the day and bring peace and harmony to all. The story itself is displayed through what is most easily described as an old sepia-toned film newsreel. The narrative is filled with made-up historical references that’ll help to set the mood. Of course, just as you’ve come to expect of Strictly Limited Games, we’ll add to this through the presentation of the physical releases. The Special Limited Edition will include: - Game for Nintendo Switch or PlayStation 4 - Colorful Game Manual - Poster A2 of the key visuals of Over Horizon and Steel Empire - Soundtrack of Steel Empire MD and Over Horizon - And more! Features: - Rewind feature - Quicksave and –load - Graphic filters/shaders - Technical optimizations - Flickering reduction - Steel Empire (Remake 2018) - Steel Empire (Game Boy Advance 2005) - Steel Empire (Sega Mega Drive 1992) - Over Horizon (1991)