Видеоролик по картине Питера Брейгеля «Триумф Смерти» (Ray Koefoed - A Plague on You)

Анимация одной из самых мрачных из брейгелевских работ под музыку Ray Koefoed. Ray Koefoed Triumph of Death - Pieter Bruegel I am pleased with my current momentum for making music. I made this one in only 2 days. I probably could have used a few more takes on the vocals and some more mastering of instrument levels, but I am trying to break the habit of obsessing over the details, so I just called it done. I will let you enjoy interpreting the meaning of it. I decided to do a little more then a still image for the video, so I used the painting titled “Triumph of Death“ by Pieter Bruegel, and did some simple animations with some of the figures in the painting. I used Photoshop 6 and Anime Studio Pro 5 to accomplish this cut-out style animation. The plague doctor wasn’t part of the painting, just a little something extra I felt like adding.