March of the Preobrazhensky Regiment - Fife and Drums

The audio in this video was ripped from footage of the 2007 Kremlin Zorya festival for military music from around the world. I re-edited the audio a little to fill out the song's stanzas and remove the sound of applause to the best of my ability. Nowhere on Youtube could I previously find a rendition of this march on fife and drum as it would be played on the battlefield or the parade square of 18th and 19th Centuries, but now here you have it. The image is an illustration by Oleg Parkhaev depicting the Russian guardsmen charging with bayonets at the battle of Kulm, 29-30 August, 1813. The men in the fore are actually of the Semyonovskiy regiment (notice the blue on the officer's collar? you might have to go fullscreen) but both of those old veteran-regiments of Narva fought with distinction at Kulm and both were awarded new banners with streamers of the Order of St. George. Together in the 1st Guards Division under G. V. Rosen, they made several delaying actions and counter-attacks against the French forces under Dominique-Joseph Vandamme, dealing and receiving heavy casualties. The most popular lyrics sung to the march's tune are “Znayut Turki Nas i Shvedy“ - “We are known to Turks and Swedes“ Russian and English translation below: Знают турки нас и шведы, И про нас известен свет: На сраженья, на победы Нас всегда сам Царь ведет! С нами труд Он разделяет, Перед нами Он в боях; Счастьем всяк из нас считает Умереть в Его глазах! Славны были наши деды - Помнит их и швед, и лях, И парил орел победы На Полтавских на полях! Знамя их полка пленяет Русский штык наш боевой, Он и нам напоминает, Как ходили деды в бой. Твёрд наш штык четырехгранный, Голос чести не замолк. Так пойдем вперед мы славно, Грудью первый русский полк. Государям по присяге Верным полк наш был всегда, В поле брани, не робея, Грудью служит он всегда. Преображенцы удалые, Рады тешить мы Царя, И потешные былые Славны будут ввек, Ура! ------------------------------- Know us do the Turks and Swedes As does the whole known world: Into battles, unto victories, We're always led by the Tsar himself! With us He shares the labour, Before us is He in battle; Joyous does everyone of us believe It is to die before His eyes! Glorious were our grandfathers - The Swede and the Pole remembers them, And the eagle of victory soared Over the fields of Poltava! The banner of the regiment compels Our Russian bayonet into action, It reminds us, How our grandfathers went into battle. Firm are our bayonets four-sided, The voice of honour is not silent. Thus we advance in good order, With passion, the first Russian regiment. To the Sovereign, by oath, Faithful our regiment has always been, On the field of battle, never timid, With passion always serving Him. The daring Preobrazhentsy, We are pleased to entertain the Tsar, And the former Droll Forces Will forever be glorious, huzzah!