Making a Custom Line Spline Primitive with C4D Scene Nodes

Learn how to create a “for loop“ with the Range Node, build up an array with the Assemble Collection Node, and linearly interpolate (LERP) between two points with the Mix Node. Note: This tutorial is intended for Technical Directors (TDs) and assumes prior programming knowledge. There are much simpler ways of building a line in Cinema 4D, this is a teaching example to showcase low-level techniques. Topics Covered -------------------------- 1. Don't Reinvent the Wheel 2. Creating a 2-Point Spline 3. N-Point Spline with Iteration & Mix 4. Creating a Custom UI 5. Encapsulating a Node Group for Distribution Nodes Used -------------------- Range Node #html/ Assemble Collection Node #html/ Mix Node #html/ Assemble Spline Node http