Chris Sorensen’s WTC 9/11 Video (Enhanced Video/Audio & Doubled FPS)

00:00 - 9/11 footage starts at 9:15:54am according to the NIST Cumulus Video Database list (including five more seconds for timeline correction). 00:29 - Some creaking sounds in the background which were also noticed by the videographer. 06:20 - Good view on the impact hole in the south wall of WTC 2 (South Tower). 07:13 - Smoke has dramatically increased in density at the south face of WTC 1 (North Tower) around 9:39:45am. 16:43 - Loud rumbling follows by crackling sound, occurred at about 9:58:59am, before the top third of WTC 2 started to lean eastward and fall down. Videographers: Chris Sorensen & “Mara“? View on WTC from: South Camera Location: 19 Rector Street (now known as 88 Greenwich Street), Manhattan Video source: , NIST FOIA #09-42, Release 27, DVD Video: 42A0164 - G26D23, Time in 00mn: / Time out: 17mn:.