Династия Пехлеви Шах Ирана Реза Пехлеви Иран до Исламской революции 1979 г

Pahlavi dynasty, the beginning and middle of 20 century, still flourishing during the recent state of Iran, more secular. In the clip depicted rare footage of the family of His Imperial Majesty Shahishaha Aryamehr Mohammad Reza Pahlavi and Farah Pahlavi Shakhbanou, which was of Azerbaijan nationality, their 4-their kids Reza Cyrus Farangiz, Ali Reza and Leila. A voice of the best divas Iran Hayedeh just decoration clip. Династия Пехлеви, начало и середина 20 века, совсем еще недавнее цветущее время госу