粉碎邓小平的复辟梦想 - Crush Deng Xiaoping’s Dream of Restoration (Chinese Communist Song)

A song from the Cultural Revolution which warns the Chinese people of Deng Xiaoping's dream of restoring capitalism in the country. This song was released in 1976 along with several others as part of the “Criticize Deng, Counterattack the Right-Deviationist Reversal-of-Verdicts Trend“ Campaign. Audio digitised by me and cleaned by @REDERA. Performer: Art Troupe of the Political Department of the Chinese People's Liberation Army Corps of Engineers (中国人民解放军工程兵政治部文工团) Year recorded: 1976 Composer: Meng Xianbin (孟宪斌) Year Composed: 1976 Lyricists: Tie Zhi (铁志), Yun Qi (云棋) Year Written: 1976 Source: Vinyl record “反击右倾翻案风“ Image: Poster “Completely Smash the Liu-Deng Counter-Revolutionary Line!“, 1967.