Flandern In Not (Metal Instrumental)

“Flandern in not“ Is a german soldier march song or Soldat Lieder“ written in 1917 by a civillian singer, Elsa Laura von Wolzogen describing the stalemate for the Germans on the Western front. At the time Germany was bogged down by the advance of the US army, Britsh and the French around the battles of Ypres and Passchendaele. Also the various horrors seen there. It is the German counterpart to Flanders Fields. The Landsknecht mercenaries are very similar to the German standard soldier during the great war, which is the reason the standard German field soldier was called “Landser/Landsers“ very similar and an abbreviation of the word “Landsknecht“. The origins of the song goes back to the Renaissance era when Landsknechts which fought there centuries earlier, when Flanders was a part of the Habsburg monarchs and Spain. The author of this amazing metal version song gave me thumbs up for reuploading his video without copyright strike. I sped up the song by 10 seconds to make it a little more my taste, and i made the image in the video using Credit: LonLon Musix for the epic music, i just speeded it up a little Karl Sternau for the lyrics in English and German The painting behind is Battle of Rocroi, which also took place in Flanders in the year 1643. Lyrics (German) Der Tod reit´t auf einem kohlschwarzen Rappen Er hat eine undurchsichtige Kappen Wenn Landsknecht´ in das Feld marschieren Lässt er sein Ross daneben galoppieren Flandern in Not In Flandern reitet der Tod Der Tod reit't auf einem lichten Schimmel Schön wie ein Cherubin vom Himmel Wenn Mädchen ihren Reigen schreiten Will er mit ihnen im Tanze gleiten Falalala, falalala Der Tod kann auch die Trommel rühren Du kannst den Wirbel im Herzen spüren Er trommelt lang, er trommelt laut Er schlägt auf eine Totenhaut Flandern in Not In Flandern reitet der Tod Als er den ersten Wirbel geschlagen Da hat's das Blut vom Herzen getragen Als er den zweiten Wirbel schlug Den Landsknecht man zu Grabe trug Flandern in Not In Flandern reitet der Tod Der dritte Wirbel ist so lang gegangen Bis der Landsknecht von Gott sein'n Segen empfangen Der dritte Wirbel ist leis und lind Als wiegt eine Mutter in Schlaf ihr Kind Falalala, falalala Der Tod kann Rappen und Schimmel reiten Der Tod kann lächelnd im Tanze schreiten. Er trommelt laut, er trommelt fein: Gestorben, gestorben, gestorben muss sein. Flandern in Not In Flandern reitet der Tod --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lyrics (English) The death rides on a coal-black horse He wears a transparent coat When mercenaries march into the field, He lets his horse gallop along Flanders in need The death rides in Flanders The death rides on a bright grey horse As pretty as a cherub from the sky When girls dance their roundelay, He wants to glide with them in the dance Fala lala, fala lala... The death also can stir the drum You can feel the whirl in the heart He drums long, he drums loud He drums on a skin of a dead Flanders in need The death rides in Flanders As he hit the first drumroll, The blood departed from the heart As he hit the second drumroll, The mercenary got carried to the grave Flanders in need The death rides in Flanders The third drumroll lasted long Until the mercenary got his blessing from God The third drumroll is quiet and gentle, As if a mother rocks her child into sleep Fala lala, fala lala... The death can ride the black and grey horse The death can smile while dancing He drums loud, he drums gentle: Died, died, died, that's what it need to be Flanders in need The death rides in Flanders