Lyndon Baines Johnson - President of the United States of America, USIA, MP207

A biography of Lyndon B. Johnson to the time of his assumption of the Presidency. His political career up to 1960 is briefly traced. Speaker Rayburn is seen endorsing him in his bid for the nomination in 1960. He campaigns for Senator Kennedy. As Vice President, he administers the oath of office to new Senators (including Edward Kennedy), visits many countries around the world as the President's representative. He attends the funerals of Speaker Rayburn and Secretary Hammerskold; he meets with Astronaut John Glenn; meets with Pope John in Rome; he addresses the people of Berlin; he speaks on racial equality; he addresses the . on the Alliance for Progress; he speaks on the quarantine of Cuba; he travels abroad. He accompanies President Kennedy in Dallas. A still photo of his taking the oath of office is shown; he makes a statement upon arrival in Washington as President. Johnson, President Lyndon B. Rayburn, Speaker Sam Kennedy, President John F. Trips-- Abroad (V.P.) Glenn, John Pope John XXIII Rome Berlin Speeches Dallas Source: USIA