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Вопрос: “Я опытный композитор со своей собственной студией и ищу проект (склоняюсь к сюжетам из Бхагаватам, но готов к любым). Не могли бы Вы предложить что-нибудь? Писал музыку в разных стилях, а именно: классика, джаз, рок, этническая музыка и т.д. с 1970 года. Проживаю в Лондоне, Англия. Думал о 5-й песне… 28 адских планет.“ Записано 30 апреля 2011 Full question in English: “I am a experienced composer/performer with my own studio and I am looking for a project/subject (I was thinking along the lines of something from Bhagavatam , but I am open to anything ). Could you suggest something? I have written in many styles i.e. classical, jazz, rock , ethnic etc. since 1970s. I am in London, England. I was thinking of 5th canto…. 28 hellish planets. VCD: I forwarded him the following transcript of the anecdote narrated by Caruatma Prabhu of Srila Prabhupada. ———————————————————— Caturatma das: One night there was a darsana with one musician. I never got the understanding whether this was a person coming to Krsna consciousness or whether this was already a devotee. I always thought it was someone coming to Krsna consciousness that wanted to use their western rock and roll guitar style in service to Lord Caitanya, and Prabhupada was very adamant, and the guy kept bringing the point up two or three times and finally Prabhupada said “No!“ and he pointed, there was this beautiful picture of Panca-tattva on the wall of his room. He said “You see Mahaprabhu; kartalas and mrdanga, that is all. Memories of Srila Prabhupada, DVD 51. ———————————————————— And Marc replied that what about George Harrison whom Prabhupada allowed or even asked to produce Krsna conscious musical albums in his presence. Will you please let me know how to understand this?“