(Ночь) Words by Yakov Polonsky OP. 60 № 9 (English subtitles)

Pavel Napalkov-bariton. Павел Напалков-баритон. Irina Grigorieva-piano. Григорьева-фортепиано. СПбГКонсерватория им.Н.А. Римского-Корсакова Малый Зал им.А.К.Глазунова. The Glazunov's Concert Hall. The N.A. Rimsky-Korsakov Saint Petersburg State Conservatory. June of 2008. Words by Yakov Polonsky Night Why do I love you, bright night, - I love you so much that, while suffering, I admire you! And why I love you, quiet night! You are not for me, you send peace to others! .. What are the stars to me - the moon - the sky - clouds - This light that, gliding on cold granite, Turns dewdrops of a flower into diamonds And, like a golden path, runs through the sea? Night! Why should I love your silver light? Will he soothe the bitterness of hidden tears Will the greedy heart give the desired answer, Will doubts be resolved by a difficult question? What is the dusk of the hills to me - the trembling of sleepy sheets - The dark sea, the ever-nois