Far Cry - Control (Центр Управления), уровень #10

Прохождение игры Far Cry, уровень №10 - Control (Центр Управления) 📢 Полное прохождение игры Far Cry 1 2004 FIX ошибки текстур - FIX ошибки Critical Exception - Русификаторы (подходят для любой версии) - Сохранения, сейвы - Скриншоты - FAQ по игре, проблемы и их решение - Run along the pipe, next to the worker’s corpse, climb the stairs to the top. Near the armory, where you can paw grenades, go down the stairs from the brackets mounted in the wall down (save), turn off the steam supply by turning the valve. Go back and move on, throwing soldiers in chemical protection suits to the sides. The road will lead you to a blocked passage, to the right and left of which there will be ventilation ducts. First, crawl to the right, then climb up the stairs and floors for a long time to turn the valve and block the steam blocking the road on the left. When you find yourself on the grid swinging on the chains, you will get an unforgettable feeling - all sorts of stupid “macaques“ will kick it from below, trying to get to you. Return to the room where the steam used to be, then to the room with brick walls and take the elevator downstairs. Go through a couple of laboratories with torn up corpses of monsters, and plunge into a maze of narrow tunnels (on the right on the wall there will be signs “wc“ and “kitchen“). Use the machine gun you kindly left here to mow down waves of attacking monsters. Soon you will come to a room with pipes and a smoked door that cannot be opened. Crawl into what looks like a chimney. Then fall down and into the door. Everything, you got out of this nightmare, well, almost. 🔥🔥🔥