How to Follow your Intuition

Thank you so much for watching today's video and for your constant loyal support and love. Your Intuition is your sacred guidance, this video is your direct message to listen to it with the utmost care and focus at all times as it is your inner truth, always guiding your throughout all situations in your daily life. Although it can seem hard to act upon it sometimes, just know it is always heren fo r your highest and best good as it is also the source of your wisdom. By following your intuition you connect directly to your higher self and are therefore always aligned and at the right place at the right time no matter what. Sweater : Nadi Shodhana Pranayama: Alternate Nostril Breathing | SRMD Yoga : My music is available on all streaming platforms. You can find me on IG @Kristina Bazan​ For any inquiries and/or collaborations management@kayture.