Face Pull and Press: Rehab & Warmup

Here’s another exercise that dual functions in rehab and strength training. In a rehab setting, breaking the movement up into scapular retraction, shoulder external rotation, and then the shoulder elevation/scapular upward rotation helps to understand the difference between the motions and understand the muscle functions for each movement. At the top of the press hold the position and breathe in the position and maintain the stability overhead. - Breaking up the movements up is great in rehab but when training the shoulder (e.g. throwing, pressing, snatching), these motions and muscles actions have to be automatic. If you were to try and break the scapular and shoulder motions up as you tried to overhead press 135lb or throw a fastball you would be setting yourself up for a pretty difficult, or nearly impossible activity. - First progress the drill by making it one smooth movement overhead press, improving motor control. Then progress by loading, whether it be a kettlebell, dumbbell, barbell, etc. There are