Ofra Haza - Shana Tova - Israeli Educational Television

Shana Tova (A Good Year) - Ofra Haza, Dudu Zar, Ofra Weingarten, Nissim Garame, Uza (The Goose) and Shabi (The Snail) on Parpar Nechmad (Nice Butterfly), the Israeli Educational Television (IETV) Channel 1 children’s program as rebroadcast by IETV Channel 23 (Long version)..... Uza (Puppeteer: Irit Shilo) - a female goose. She is very clever and a fast learner. Her character traits are those of a know-it-all big sister. Shabi (Puppeteer: Avi Yakir) - a male snail. He is intelligent but slightly insecure. He tends to rely on Uza for answers. Shana halcha, shana ba’ah Ani kapai arimah; Shana tova lecha, Aba, Shana tova lach, Ima, Shana tova, shana tova! Shana tova ledod gibor Asher al hamishmeret Ulechol noter, ba’ir, bak’far, Birkat “chazek“ nimseret Shana tova, shana tova! Shana tova, tayas amitz, Rochev bimerom shamaim, Verov shalom melach ivri, Oseh darko bamayim Shana tova, shana tova! Shana tova lechol amel Benir vegam bemelet, Shana tova umetukah Lechol yaldah veyeled! Shana tova, shana tova! A year went, a year is coming I raise my hands; A good year to you, Dad, A good year to you, Mom, A good year, a good year! A good year to uncle-hero Who is on guard duty And to each guard, in the city or village A “be strong“ blessing is passed to them A good year, a good year! A good year oh brave pilot, Riding in the heights of heavens, And much peace oh Hebrew sailor, Making his way in the water A good year, a good year! A good year to everyone toiling In a field or in a mortar A good and sweet year To every girl and boy! A good year, a good year! שנה הלכה, שנה באה אני כפי ארימה שנה טובה לך, אבא שנה טובה לך, אמא שנה טובה, שנה טובה שנה טובה לדוד גיבור אשר על המישמרת ולכל נוטר, בעיר, בכפר ברכת “חזק“ נמסרת. שנה טובה, שנה טובה שנה טובה, טייס אמיץ רוכב במרום שמיים ורוב שלום מלח עברי עושה דרכו במים שנה טובה, שנה טובה שנה טובה לכל עמל בניר וגם במלט שנה טובה ומתוקה לכל ילדה וילד שנה טובה, שנה טובה Words/Music: Levin Kipnis / Nachum Nardi Transliteration: Translation: Hebrew Lyrics: