T-34 - Soviet medium tank during the Great Patriotic War. The most massive tank of Second World War.

The T-34 is a Soviet medium tank of the Great Patriotic War period; it has been mass-produced since 1940. During 1942-1947 - the main tank of the Red Army and the USSR Armed Forces. It was the main tank of the Red Army until the first half of 1944, before its modification T-34-85 entered the troops. The most massive tank of the Second World War and the post-war period. Developed by the design bureau of the tank department of the Kharkov plant number 183 under the leadership of Mikhail Ilyich Koshkin. The success of the project was predetermined by the use of the newest highly economical V-2 diesel engine, thanks to which the medium thick-armored T-34 inherited from the light thin-armored BT an unusually high power density (the ratio of engine power to combat weight), which ensured the absolute superiority of the T tank throughout the Great Patriotic War. -34 in cross-country ability, maneuverability, mobility. For the first time in the practice of world tank building, a long-barreled (30.5 caliber) 76-mm L-11 cannon (model 1939) was installed on the T-34 medium tank, significantly exceeding the initial velocity of an armor-piercing projectile (635 m / s) all that years foreign tank artillery systems. And from March 1941, the T-34 began to install the cannon F-34 (sample 1941) with a barrel length of 41.5 caliber and an initial speed of an armor-piercing projectile of 662 m / s, which pierced 60-mm armor from a distance 1000 m: T-34-76 is a clarifying designation of this model. The high modernization potential of the design turned out to be very important, this made it possible to effectively increase the combat qualities of the tank simultaneously with the increase in its industrial production throughout the war. The order to put the T-34 into serial production was signed by the Defense Committee on March 31, 1940. In the adopted protocol, it was ordered to immediately put the tank into production at factories No. 183 in the city of Kharkov and the Stalingrad Tractor Plant. From 1942 to 1945, the main large-scale production of the T-34 was deployed at powerful machine-building plants in the Urals and Siberia, and continued in the post-war years. The leading plant for the modification of the T-34 was the Ural Tank Plant No. 183. The latest modification (T-34-85) is in service with some countries to this day. The T-34 tank had a huge impact on the outcome of the war and on the further development of world tank building. German troops did not expect such powerful equipment from the USSR. Thanks to the totality of its combat qualities, the T-34 was recognized by many specialists and military experts as the best tank of the Second World War. When creating it, Soviet designers managed to find the optimal balance between the main combat, tactical, protective, operational, running and technological characteristics. The T-34 tank is the most famous Soviet tank and one of the most recognizable symbols of World War II. A large number of these tanks of various modifications have survived to this day in the form of monuments and museum exhibits. T-34是卫国战争时期的苏联中型坦克,从1940年开始量产。在 1942-1947 年期间 - 红军和苏联武装部队的主坦克。它是红军的主力坦克,直到 1944 年上半年,它的改装 T-34-85 才进入部队。 第二次世界大战和战后时期最大的坦克。 在米哈伊尔·伊里奇·科什金 (Mikhail Ilyich Koshkin) 的领导下,由哈尔科夫 183 号工厂坦克部门的设计局开发。该项目的成功是由使用最新的高度经济的 V-2 柴油发动机预先确定的,因此中厚装甲 T-34 从轻型薄装甲 BT 继承了异常高的功率密度(发动机的比率战斗重量),保证了T坦克在整个卫国战争中的绝对优势。-34在越野能力、机动性、机动性上。在世界坦克建造实践中,第一次在T-34中型坦克上安装了一门长管(30.5口径)76毫米L-11加农炮(1939型),明显超过了装甲-穿甲弹 (635 m/s) 多年来都是外国坦克火炮系统。并且从 1941 年 3 月开始在 T-34 上安装 加农炮 F-34(样品 1941),枪管长度为 41.5 口径,穿甲弹的初始速度为 662 m/s,可穿 60 - 1000 米外的毫米装甲:T-34-76 是该型号的明确名称。事实证明,该设计的高度现代化潜力非常重要,这使得在整个战争期间提高坦克工业生产的同时有效提高坦克的战斗质量成为可能。 1940 年 3 月 31 日,国防委员会签署了将 T-34 投入批量生产的命令。在通过的协议中,它被命令立即在哈尔科夫市的 183 号工厂和斯大林格勒拖拉机厂投产。 从 1942 年到 1945 年,T-34 的主要大规模生产部署在乌拉尔和西伯利亚的强大机械制造厂,并在战后几年继续进行。 T-34 改装的主要工厂是乌拉尔坦克厂第 183 号。最新的改装 (T-34-85) 至今仍在一些国家服役。 T-34坦克对战争的结果和世界坦克建设的进一步发展产生了巨大的影响。德军没想到苏联有这么强大的装备。由于其全面的战斗品质,T-34 被许多专家和军