Multiple rocket launcher BM-13NMM Katyusha BM-13NMM BM-13NMM

BM 13 - Soviet rocket artillery combat vehicle, the period of the Great Patriotic War, the most massive Soviet combat vehicle of this class. Most widely known under the popular nickname “Katyusha“. BM 13 was actively used on all fronts, throughout the Great Patriotic War and in battles in the Far East. After the end of the Second World War, it was modernized several times. The rocket launcher is installed on various trucks and tank chassis of domestic and foreign production. Delivered to many countries around the world and used in numerous local conflicts. They were in service with the Armed Forces of the USSR until the beginning of the eighties of the twentieth century. The first experimental launchers BM-13 on the chassis of ZIS-6 machines were manufactured in June 1941 in the amount of eight pieces - two in Voronezh, at the Comintern plant and six in Moscow at the Research Institute-3 of the NKB of the USSR, and one installation was sent to Sevastopol for testing. Therefore, seven installations were used to form the first experimental battery in the MVO. The first application of the novelty took place on July 14, 1941: a battery of installations under the command of Captain Flerov struck at the concentration of enemy troops at the Orsha station. Until April 1943, for the installation of M-13-16 launchers (for sixteen 132-mm M-13 reactive shells) of the BM-13-16 guards rocket launchers, different chassis were used - from July to October 15, 1941, the ZIS-6 (372, including for a small number of BM-8-36). Then on the chassis of the STZ-5-NATI tracked artillery tractor and the ZIS-5 truck, and from the beginning of 1942 on the chassis of American, British and Canadian trucks supplied to the USSR under Lend-Lease: Studebaker US6, USA, GM -Ci 352 (GMC CCRW 352, USA), International М-5 “Inter“ (International М-5Н-6-318, USA), Ford-Marmon-Herrington НН6-СОЕ4, USA), Chevrolet G7107 / G7117 (Chevrolet G7107 / G7117, USA), Dodge Т203 (Dodge Т-203В, Canada) (not to be confused with the well-known Dodge WC-51 and WC-52 (USA) with a carrying capacity of 3/4 tons - “Dodge three quarters“) , Bedford (Bedford OYD, Great Britain), Ford BOT-8 “Fordson“ (Ford WOT-8 “Fordson“, Canada - “Ford“ Canadian “), three-axle Austin K-6 (Austin K-6A, Great Britain). Since April 1943, the BM-13N appeared - a modification of the BM-13-16 on the chassis of only Studebaker YUS6. Index “H“ - normalized. Modernization BM-13N - the basic version on the chassis of the Studebaker YUS6 car, in service since 1943, in 1948 - on the ZIS-150 • BM-13NN (GRAU Index - 52-U-941B) - a variant on the chassis of the ZIS-151 vehicle, put into service in 1949 (first modernization) • BM-13NM (GRAU index - 2B7) - a variant on the chassis of the ZIL-157, put into service in 1958 (second modernization) • BM-13NMM (GRAU index - 2B7R) - a variant on the chassis of the ZIL-131 vehicle, put into service in 1966 (the third modernization and the last) From the moment the rocket artillery (RA) appeared, its formations were subordinate to the Supreme High Command. They were used to reinforce the infantry divisions defending in the first echelon, which significantly increased their firepower and increased stability in defensive combat. BM 13 - 苏联火箭炮战车,卫国战争时期,该级别中最庞大的苏联战车。以流行的昵称“喀秋莎”而广为人知。 BM 13 在整个卫国战争和远东战斗中都被广泛用于各个战线。第二次世界大战结束后,它进行了多次现代化改造。该火箭筒安装在国内外生产的各种卡车和坦克底盘上。运送到世界上许多国家,并在许多地方冲突中使用。他们一直在苏联武装部队服役,直到二十世纪八十年代初。 ZIS-6 机器底盘上的第一批实验发射器 BM-13 于 1941 年 6 月制造,共八件——两件在沃罗涅日,在共产国际工厂,六件在莫斯科的 NKB 研究所 3苏联,一个装置被送到塞瓦斯托波尔进行测试。因此,使用七个装置来形成 MVO 中的第一个实验电池。 新颖性的第一次应用发生在 1941 年 7 月 14 日:在弗列罗夫上尉的指挥下,一组装置袭击了奥尔沙站的敌军集中地。 直到 1943 年 4 月,为了安装 BM-13-16 警卫火箭发射器的 M-13-16 发射器(用于 16 个 132-mm M-13 反应壳),使用了不同的底盘 - 从 1941 年 7 月到 10 月 15 日, ZIS-6(372,包括少数 BM-8-36)。然后在 STZ-5-NATI 履带式火炮牵引车和 ZIS-5 卡车的底盘上,从 1942 年初开始,在租借条件下供应给苏联的美国、英国和加拿大卡车的底盘上:Studebaker US6,美国, GM -Ci 352 (GMC CCRW 352, USA), International М-5 “Inter“ (International М-5Н-6-318, USA), Ford-Marmon-Herrington НН6-СОЕ4, USA), Chevrolet G7107 / G7117 ( Chevrolet G7107/G7117,美国)、Dodge Т203(Dodge Т-203В,加拿大)(不要与大名鼎鼎的 Dodge WC-51 和 WC-52(美国)混淆,载重量为 3/4 吨——》道奇四分之三”),贝德福德(Bedford OYD,英国),福特BOT-8“福特森”(Ford WOT-8“Fordson”,加拿大——“福特”加拿大“),三轴奥斯汀K-6(奥斯汀K -6A,英国)。 自 1943 年 4 月以来,BM-13N 出现 - 仅在 Studebaker YUS6 的底盘上改进了 BM-13-16。索引“H” - 标准化。 现代化 BM-13N - Studebaker YUS6 汽车底盘上的基本版本,自 1943 年开