ISU 152 - Soviet heavy self-propelled artillery installation during the Great Patriotic War

ISU-152 (Object 241) - Soviet heavy self-propelled artillery installation (ACS) during the Great Patriotic War. In the name of the vehicle, the letter “I“, in addition to the standard Soviet designation “SU“ - self-propelled unit, means “based on the IS tank.“ An ACS of the same caliber, called the SU-152, was produced at a different tank base. Index 152 means the caliber of the vehicle’s main armament. The ISU 152 used the undercarriage of a heavy tank IS and on which a one hundred and fifty two millimeter howitzer-gun ML-20 S was installed. Developed by the design bureau of experimental plant No. 100 in June - October 1943 and adopted by the Workers ’and Peasants’ Red Army (RKKA) on November 6 of the same year. At the same time, its serial production began at the Chelyabinsk Kirov plant, which lasted until 1946. In the spring of 1945, the Leningrad Kirovsky Plant (LKZ) joined production, collecting a number of cars until 1947. Externally, the Leningrad self-propelled guns were distinguished by the stationary armor of the gun - it did not have characteristic ribs at the edges, the sidewalls were more inflated. On parts of the machines, it was bolted from the outside, not from the inside. ISU-152s were widely used at the final stage of the Great Patriotic War, in almost all aspects of the use of self-propelled artillery. In addition to the Red Army, the ISU-152 was in service with the armies of Poland and Czechoslovakia, single captured vehicles were used by the Wehrmacht and the army of Finland. The ISU-152 as a whole successfully combined three main combat roles: created as a heavy assault gun, the installation, nevertheless, was used as a tank destroyer, and in rare cases it could also be used as a self-propelled howitzer. In the post-war period, the ISU-152 underwent modernization and were in service with the Soviet army for a long time. They were also supplied to equip the Egyptian armed forces. The self-propelled guns transferred to Egypt took part in the Arab-Israeli armed conflicts in the Middle East. They participated in the Six Day War in the form of stationary firing points buried in the sand along the fenders. In Beginning in the mid-1970s, ISU-152s were withdrawn from service by the Soviet Army and replaced with more modern self-propelled guns; a number of cars now serve as monuments and exhibits in museums around the world. The slang name for ISU-152 is St. John’s wort. In the Wehrmacht it was called “Dosenöffner“ (with German - “can opener“) ISU-152 (Object 241) - 伟大卫国战争期间的苏联重型自行火炮装置 (ACS)。在车辆名称中,字母“I”,加上标准的苏联名称“SU”——自行式单位,意思是“基于IS坦克”。相同口径的 ACS,称为 SU-152,是在不同的坦克基地生产的。索引152表示车辆主要武器的口径。 ISU 152 使用重型坦克 IS 的起落架,其上安装了 152 毫米榴弹炮 ML-20 S。 1943年6月-10月由第100实验厂设计局研制,同年11月6日被工农红军采纳。与此同时,其在车里雅宾斯克基洛夫工厂开始批量生产,一直持续到 1946 年。 1945 年春天,列宁格勒基洛夫斯基工厂 (LKZ) 加入生产,收集了许多汽车,直到 1947 年。在外部,列宁格勒自行火炮的特点是火炮的固定装甲 - 它的边缘没有特征性的肋骨,侧壁更加膨胀。在机器的零件上,它是从外面用螺栓固定的,而不是从里面。 ISU-152在卫国战争的最后阶段被广泛使用,几乎用于自行火炮使用的所有方面。除了红军外,ISU-152 还在波兰和捷克斯洛伐克的军队服役,德国国防军和芬兰军队使用了单辆缴获的车辆。 ISU-152 作为一个整体成功地结合了三个主要战斗角色:作为重型突击炮,该装置被用作坦克歼击车,在极少数情况下它也可以用作自行榴弹炮。 在战后时期,ISU-152 进行了现代化改造,并在苏联军队中服役了很长时间。它们还用于装备埃及武装部队。运往埃及的自行火炮参加了中东的阿以武装冲突。他们以沿着护舷埋在沙子中的固定射击点的形式参加了六日战争。从 1970 年代中期开始,ISU-152 被苏联军队退役,取而代之的是更现代化的自行火炮;许多汽车现在作为纪念碑和展品在世界各地的博物馆中展出。 ISU-152 的俚语名称是圣约翰草。在国防军中,它被称为“Dosenöffner”(德语为“开罐器”)。 ISU-152(オブジェクト241)-大祖国戦争中のソビエトの重自走砲設備(ACS)。車両の名前では、文字「I」は、標準のソビエト指定「SU」(自走式ユニット)に加えて、「ISタンクに基づく」を意&a