Finding Meaning in Times of Chaos

The Zan and Jordan Show - Episode 2 With Zan Perrion and Jordan Luke Collier ____________________________________________________ Our current climate is rife with the panic-stricken fluctuations of everyday news, and beyond that, even the most intelligent perspectives seem pessimistic. What are good stories to propel us, as a culture, into the future? How can we draw real, inspiring meaning from these times of chaos? If our worst fears come true and we enter an anarchic period of upheaval, who do we turn to for direction, understanding and consolation? And rather, if we are plunged into a future of austerity and collapse, could we actually resolve many of the social ills we’ve been complaining of for so many years? The stories we tell - to ourselves and to others - shape our perspectives and therefore our actions. Our stories influence the world, as well as our own state of being. By being “obedient” to the mythological story that lives within you, perhaps you can bring somet