3 ISRAELI COPS KILLED IN WEST BANK SHOOTING AMID VICIOUS JENIN RAIDS: Police swarm over crashed car (left vid) in aftermath of d

3 ISRAELI COPS KILLED IN WEST BANK SHOOTING AMID VICIOUS JENIN RAIDS: Police swarm over crashed car (left vid) in aftermath of deadly shooting at checkpoint near Tarqumiyah (right map) in which attackers gunned down 3 #Israeli officers before escaping. Armed group called Khalil al-Rahman Brigade claims responsibility for attack, with #Hamas praising strike as “natural response“ to Israel’s genocide in Gaza Strip. Attack comes as Israel continues its brutal siege of West bank’s Jenin, murdering at least 24 #Palestinians in past 24 hours while cutting off water and power to city. Boost us here! @IntelRepublic Source: Intel Republic