Trump and Vance are not working class heroes about to save the world

Trump and Vance are not working class heroes about to save the world . They are billionaire Zionist fan boys who don’t give a shit if brown and poor people die. But “America first“ “Since the Trump drama the world has turned into a whole other kind of bad trip. A vote for Trump and Vance is a vote for Zionist advancement globally. Anyone who doesn’t see that or wilfully ignores it is complicit in genocide imo. Don’t ever call yourself a #Palestine supporter or even claim to be anti-imperialist. You seriously think 2 billionaire Zionist fan-boys are going to save the world? I feel like Alice in Wonderland hoping the “Drink me“ bottle will just help all this insanity disappear. This is not a world I want to live in unless the genocide, slaughtered children and broken bodies in #Palestine ENDS. Say NO to Zionism. Dismantle the apartheid genocidal non-state of #Israel or STFU about any kind of world peace fantasy. “ Source: Vanessa Beeley