If you already thought Big Pharma was evil, wait till you hear this story

If you already thought Big Pharma was evil, wait till you hear this story. It turns out that there is a non-addictive formula for the opioid drug Oxycontin, but Purdue Pharma blocked anyone from making it. It gets worse. From 2016 to 2018, Dr. Martin tried to break this story to CNBC, but they refused to publish it, deeming it “not newsworthy.” “Never once has this story been ever publicized, despite two years of me recommending to the CNBC editorial board that we cover it.” Dr. David Martin says this move by Purdue Pharma, uncovered by the media, led to “hundreds of thousands of deaths across this country.” Read more here: Follow @VigilantFox ? Source: The Vigilant Fox 🦊