Tucker: The term conspiracy theorist originated from the CIA in an attempt to shut down anyone who had questions about the JFK a

Tucker: The term conspiracy theorist originated from the CIA in an attempt to shut down anyone who had questions about the JFK assassination and its ’fake’ investigation. He says that the phrase conspiracy theorist is used as a control tool to stop you from questioning their corruption. He wants to know why he knows no one who died of Covid but four who were injured from the vaccine. Stay curious. Stay rational but stay open-minded. “It’s worth noting the providence of that phrase. It comes directly from the Central Intelligence Agency. In the aftermath of the murder of our President, John Kennedy. There was a very famous and entirely fake investigation into it called the Warren Commission. People were reading it critically noticed anomalies and raised questions about it. That phrase conspiracy theorist entered the lexicon in my country. It was designed to shout down and shame people who ask legitimate questions... There are far more people who just noticed like well that doesn’t make... Source: ULTRA Pepe Lives Matter ?