Music break with the Palestinian resistance:

◾Music break with the Palestinian resistance: ◾Today Palestinians mark 57 years since the Naksa, which means “setback” or “defeat“ in Arabic. The event refers to Israel’s occupation of the remaining 22% of Palestine that they could not initially occupy during the Nakba of 1948. The Naksa set the stage for Israel’s ongoing military occupation and apartheid systems of today. ◾ On the third anniversary of the Naksa a defiant George Habash stood in front of cheering crowds. As he raised an AK-47 rifle, crowds cheered “With our souls and with our blood, we will avenge you O Hakim!“ He began his short speech: -“O masses of our struggling people, Today is the third anniversary of the June defeat. However, these masses, our struggling and fighting masses: these are the masses—our workers and our fellaheen—that know, with these guns, know how to transform defeat into victory.“ ◾Follow: Source: Fearless John - @European_dissident