Build and Deploy a Full Stack Realtime Chat Messaging App with Authentication & SMS Notifications - Part 1

With Direct and Group Chats, emojis & Reactions, Built-in Gif support, the ability to edit & delete messages, specialized commands, and much more, this fully responsive Medical Pager is the best Chat App that you can currently find on YouTube. You’ll also learn how to work with Stream. is the number one Chat Messaging platform that allows you to build scalable and custom chat applications using their APIs. 💻JS Mastery Pro - ?discount=youtube ✅ A special YOUTUBE discount code is automatically applied! ⭐Stream - 📚 Materials/References: GitHub Code (give it a star ⭐): Styles & Other Code: Assets: htt ... #LJavaScriptMastery #javascript #javascript_mastery #js_mastery #master_javascript #chat_application_using_react_js #chat_application_using_reactjs_and_nodejs #chat_application_with_reactjs #chat_app_with_react_js #build_a_chat_app_with_javascript 20210830 MJzbJQLGehs