Waiting for Tonight - Maria Christensen/3rd Party (1997 - BEFORE Jennifer Lopez’s version)

Most people are familiar with the crappy version by Jennifer Lopez which disgusts me. This right here is the version that should have been the one everyone knows and loves. Whereas Jennifer's version was horribly sung, slow-paced, and just plain generic sounding, this version is more alive, faster-paced, dance-bobbing, and catchier. This version's underration suffers from the group's short-lived stint, no video, and lack of promotion but what a damn shame Jennifer not once gave them credit or even acknowledged that the song was not hers to begin with. There's videos of this version posted but not like mine. Mine will TRULY get the ball rolling. Spread the word, help make this version KNOWN and let's give this group and the fabulous Ms. Christensen the attention they always deserved! Shout-outs to Karmine Alers and Elaine Borja! Wherever you ladies are, I hope you are doing SWELL! :) As for you Jennifer, kick rocks. -_-