Quadrant | Final Trailer

QUADRANT will be released on August 23rd, both on multiple streaming platforms (including Amazon Prime, Full Moon Features and Tubi) AND on Blu-ray, even on limited edition VHS! QUADRANT is definitely a quote on our glorious (and GORE-ious) '80s Empire Pictures incarnation, and so it makes PERFECT sense to also make a VHS version all you hardcore media collectors out there (and we KNOW you're out there!). SYNOPSIS: Developed by scientists Harry and Meg, the “Quadrant“ helmet allows your mind to transport you into a world where all your phobias and nightmares are real, while also granting you the strength to defeat them, liberating you from their control forever. But the Quadrant experiment is about to go horribly wrong. When Erin, a young girl who’s obsessed with Jack the Ripper uses the device to actually BECOME the Ripper, she unleashes a reign of terror, first in her mind in an AI version of old London created by the Quadrant, and then in reality, where she now stalks the contemporary city streets, seeking out victims for her blade. The only way to stop this savage new Ripper is for an even more vicious killer to enter the artificial Qudrant-verse and bring her down. What ensues is a brutal, bloody battle, murderer against murderer, both in this world and the surreal, dangerous, synthetic world of QUADRANT!